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University of Lincoln Water Polo Scholarship

Map of University of LincolnThe University of Lincoln does not have a water polo club but does offer a limited number of sports scholarships ever year.

Sports scholars have free membership to the Sports Centre based on campus, while the nearest pool is the 25m facility at Yarborough Leisure Centre.

University of Lincoln

University of Lincoln Water Polo Scholarships

The University of Lincoln offer 10 sports scholarships per academic year for students who participate at a national or international level.

As well as a financial bursary of up to £1,000, athletes receiving a University of Lincoln Water Polo Scholarship will also access to sport science support including exercise testing, strength and conditioning, nutritional advice and lifestyle management. A standing charge of 25% of your grant will be allocated to this resource.

Scholars will also be allowed academic flexibility to support their sport representation and assigned a mentor to provide guidance and support for their sporting and academic pursuits.

Sports Facilities at the University of Lincoln

Athletes with a University of Lincoln Water Polo Scholarship will receive a free membership to the gym at the University of Lincoln Sports Centre.

The Sports Centre is located on the main university campus and includes a full fitness suite as well as other sports facilities.

While there is no swimming pool on campus, Yarborough Leisure Centre is centrally located and the home to City of Lincoln Pentaqua Swimming Club.
