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A day in the life... how England captain Lilymay Girvin is coping with lockdown

Teenager Lilymay Girvin has revealed how she is juggling training, school work, fitness sessions and family time during the coronavirus lockdown.

The 16-year-old England captain has created a schedule to help her achieve her daily goals while the pools are closed.

Here, the Bristol Ladies National League Division Two player explains what her usual daily routine is…

High intensity set

The first thing I do in the morning as soon as I wake up is a fitness session in my garden.

This starts with a pulse-raising warm-up with some dynamic stretches, followed by a high intensity set, then some strength and conditioning exercises.

These include core, glute, legs and arm exercises such as squats, press-ups, sit-ups and plank etc, normally in 30 second sets with a rest and water in between.

After that I do some flexibility stretches and some physio for my knee as I am continuing to strengthen it every day due to an injury.

After my warm down, I hop in the shower then have breakfast – this is normally something like a banana with some granola or cereal.

Up until lunch, I complete some schoolwork ensuring I have small breaks as I go, making sure I walk around a bit and drink water.

Something is better than nothing

For lunch I have a bigger meal, such as beef chilli or egg and avocado on toast with some salad.

In the afternoon, I’ll complete more work, ensuring I look at different gym sessions and exercises which my coaches have sent to me, also watching match videos which they have sent.

At about 3 or 4pm, I go outside for my one hour of exercise.

In this time I’ll either go for a run, or a cycle or maybe just even a walk with the dog and the family – something is better than nothing.

I have a pretty relaxed evening, playing games with the family and having dinner.

I try to get to bed before 10 so that I can wake up relatively early and start again.
