Swim England

A nation swimming

It's back! Sign up now for the Big School Swim 2022

Schools can now sign up for a nationwide week-long celebration of swimming and water safety which is returning for the first time in three years.

Swim England’s Big School Swim takes place from Monday 14 to Friday 18 November.

More than 70,000 pupils from 5,733 schools got involved in 2019 when it was held in pools and classrooms up and down the country.

It was the last time the event took place due to the coronavirus pandemic restrictions.

Now it is back, teachers are being encouraged to sign up their primary schools and help spread the ‘important’ message of being safe in and around water.

All children leaving primary school should be able to perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations and swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres using a range of strokes effectively

Lorna Goldie, Swim England school swimming and water safety development officer, said: “Learning to swim and gaining knowledge of being safe around water is vital.

Fun and enjoyable

“Big School Swim week is a great way to highlight the importance of school swimming.

“We’re hoping schools, teachers and pupils will join in and sign up – and share their experiences throughout the week.

“If schools haven’t got trips to the pool planned during Big School Swim week, they can still get involved thanks to a number of different classroom activities.

“School swimming lessons are often the only chance youngsters get to learn to swim so this week aims to showcase how much fun and enjoyable they can be.”

Although predominantly aimed at primary schools, the Big School Swim is also open to key stage 3 pupils who may have missed out on school swimming and water safety due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

On signing up, schools will receive lesson plans for the pool, tasks to complete in the classroom or at home, information relating to swimming preparation, water safety and cold water shock plus fun art activities and certificates.

To sign up for the Big School Swim, please click here.

