Swim England

A nation swimming

Insights on inclusion

Here you’ll find our latest insights, factsheets and reports relating to inclusion in swimming.


Swim England Inclusion hub - infographic parents and children
Swim England Inclusion hub infographic_adults

Visit our research and insights page to find more research like this.*


Our Health and Wellbeing team produce helpful factsheets on swimming with different health conditions. These are free to download from our website.

  • If you are a swimmer with a health condition, click here.
  • If you teach or support someone with a health condition, click here.


We carry out research and publish reports that help answer widespread questions and concerns relating to swimming. Below are some of our recent and relevant reports that link with the importance of inclusion, equality and diversity in swimming:

  • Health and Wellbeing benefits of swimming report – access here.
  • Making swimming accessible for people with dementia report – access here.

1 Swim England Parents and Curriculum Swimming Research (2018)
2 Sport England Active Lives Children and Young People Survey (2019)
3 Sport England Mapping Disability: The Facts (2016)
4 Sport England Active Lives Survey report (2017/2018)
