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Qualification window for Swim England National Summer Meet is altered

The qualification window for the British Summer Championships and Swim England National Summer Meet has been altered following the coronavirus outbreak.

Both the British Summer Championships and the Swim England National Summer Meet are, at this time, still scheduled to go ahead in July.

As the spread of coronavirus has led to a number of events being cancelled, including the British Swimming Championships in April, the dates for the qualification window has now been changed.

A spokesman for British Swimming said: “Working on the assumption that it is viable for the 2020 British Summer Championships and 2020 Home Nation Summer Meets to take place, we will be inviting athletes on the basis of retrospective long-course performances achieved in the period 1 July 2019 to 12 March 2020.

“No performance after this date will be considered. This is the case even if some meets start to take place in May.

“For para-swimmers, the qualification process will remain the same.

Your understanding is appreciated

“However, the qualification window will be slightly longer, with performances from 1 April 2019 to 12 March 2020 being considered. The top 20 swimmers per event, scoring more than 550 British Para-swimming points, will be invited.

“Only performances that feature on the British rankings and have been achieved at licensed meets will be eligible.

“The process for invites, including notification dates, will be announced in due course.

“Given the current circumstances, your understanding of the need for this change to the process is appreciated.”

The British Summer Championships are due to take place at Sheffield’s Ponds Forge International Pool from 21-26 July, with the Swim England National Summer meet at the same venue between 29 July and 2 August.
