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A successful day at The Female Athlete Conference

More than 60 sports science and medicine practitioners from across the country have attended a conference on The Female Athlete.

The event, staged at the Link Hotel, Loughborough, on Sunday 11 March has been hailed a success by organisers.

Nutrition and lifestyle experts kicked off the conference with a breakfast meeting to discuss forming a network of nutritionists across the country.

On the agenda

Swim England’s sports science and medicine staff then delivered the conference which gave the delegates an insight to:

  • the effects the menstual cycle has on training
  • growth and maturation
  • how nutrition differs for females to males
  • common email injuries during the growth phase
  • how females cope with stress and the eating disorder RED-s.

A great success

There was also a presentation from Ryan Livingstone, the head coach at Newcastle swim team, on coaching female swimmers with the key to success being in communication, self-confidence and creating a positive mindset.

Diane Elliott, Swim England’s Sports Science and Medicine Manager, who organised the conference, said: “The day has been a great success with some great scientific views on why we should be changing our approach to female athletes.”
