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A coach's journey through being a Covid-19 patient and beyond

Swimming News

Thurrock Swimming Club head coach Paul Robbins reveals his fight and recovery from coronavirus while urging everyone to remain focused and determined to succeed.

It has been so strange not getting up at 4am for swimming.

Having been fairly fit and always involved in sport, sometimes we as coaches and swimmers feel that we are supernatural and can overcome obstacles with ease.

Most of us are motivated, committed and determined to overcome issues. However, Covid-19 has changed the way I look at things now.

Unfortunately, I contracted the virus and it turned me 180 degrees.

From being positive, fit and energetic, I became someone who could not walk up the stairs without coughing and getting out of breath.

I was close to being admitted but I controlled my breathing and respected what my body and mind were telling me – and I listened.

I know my friend and colleague, Helen from Southend Swimming Club, also experienced issues.

Determined to achieve

I am no longer so dismissive about my health and the wellbeing of others.

Like everyone, I am bored out of my brain and really looking forward to getting up at 4am again!

We are all in the same situation and we want some normality again.

Whilst we would have been out of the water for a long time, as long as the swimmers are following home training plans they will come back stronger and determined to achieve their goals.

Swimmers – remain focused, determined to succeed and want to achieve your potential!

This is only a blip and will give your mind and body a break to recover.

You must respect this current situation and be safe! I look forward to seeing you all soon.
