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Hopkin hopes to do Team England proud on Gold Coast

Anna Hopkin hopes to do Team England and her travelling family proud when she competes in her first Commonwealth Games next month.

The Bath University freestyle swimmer is hoping to set personal best times on the Gold Coast after initially not knowing if she would get the call to be part of the squad.

Anna Hopkin
  • DOB: 24/04/1996
  • Club: Bath University
  • Coach: Mark Skimming
  • CWG: Making debut on Gold Coast

“I was waiting for the email hoping that I would be on the team,” said the 21 year-old. “But you never quite know until you get the call. I was just really excited and I think my mum was crying and everyone was really happy.

“My mum, dad and brother are all going. They are going to be there for two or three weeks on the Gold Coast. It will be really nice that they get to see me race.

“In my individuals, I would really like to make finals and do best times in those and then I know the relay has hopefully got a strong chance of a medal.

“I just want to do myself justice in that and do the team proud.”

The road to representing Team England

Hopkin met other members of Team England during the kitting out and said it proved to be a valuable experience. And she thanked her parents and clubs who have supported on the road to eventually representing Team England.

She said: “I think it has been really useful for the team to come together prior to leaving because everyone knows of each other but not necessarily all met each other. I have certainly not met most of the team so it was nice to get to know people and feel a bit more familiar before we go.

“I want to thank any club I have been part of because they have all been a big part of my journey moving forward. I also want to thank my mum and dad.

“From a young age they have been getting up earlier than me to wake me up to take me training, which was sometimes half an hour drive to Manchester. They’ve definitely been a huge part of my journey.”
