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Swim England Sports Science and Medicine Conference was 'extremely informative'

More than 80 delegates from clubs across the country have been sharing top tips about starts and turns at the fifth Swim England Sport Science and Medicine Conference.

The event, staged at the Village Hotel, Brailsford Way, Nottingham, saw key speakers from Swim England, British Swimming and clubs share expertise and best practice.

It focused on how to develop skills to improve starts and turns and physiotherapists, strength and conditioning coaches, nutritionists, sports psychologists and sport science staff working within clubs in England were all in attendance.

Diane Elliot, Swim England sport science and medicine manager, said it proved to be an ‘extremely informative’ event.

She said: “It was great to see so many people at our conference.

“One of the delegates told us they thought the presenters were excellent and they found the day extremely informative.

“We’re glad those attending got so much out of it.”

Presenting Swim England Sport Science and Medicine Conference 2019

Speakers included Andrew Wallace, from British Swimming, who gave technical tips on the best starts and turns.

Angela George, senior physiotherapist at the Loughborough national performance centre, gave a great insight into how a close working relationship between physios and strength and conditioning coaches can help athletes improve starts and turns.

Hannah Stoyel, Swim England psychology lead, spoke about how to prepare psychologically for race day, while Millfield School’s Dan Waddingham explained the post-activation potentiation (PAP) effect for pre-race activation exercises

Absolute Sports Nutrition’s Andrew Shepherd explained differences in open water and pool swimming race day nutrition,  while innovative methods on land work to improve starts and turns was presented by Swim England zonal lead strength and conditioning coaches Evan Jenkins and Michael Peacock.

And Craig Robertson, from City of Leeds, talked about the fine margins needed to make starts and turns world class.

Diane added: “It was a fantastic day and we’re now starting to plan for our sixth annual conference in 2020. Further details will be announced later in the year.”
