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National Para-swimming Championships cancelled following second lockdown

The National Para-swimming Championships has been cancelled following the announcement of a second lockdown in England.

The competition was due to be held at the Manchester Aquatics Centre on the 16 and 17 January 2021.

Activity Alliance and British Para-swimming took the decision after the Government’s announcement that England would re-enter lockdown from 5 November onwards.

However, a number of virtual racing opportunities are being planned by British Para-swimming via the #RaceTheWorldPara series and more details will be available soon.

British Para-swimming Performance Director, Chris Furber, said: “It’s extremely disappointing to have to make the decision to cancel this winter’s National Para-swimming Championships, which have been a regular feature of the national para-swimming calendar for many years now.

“Activity Alliance and ourselves have left this decision as late as we could.

“Throughout the pandemic, our number one priority has been the safety of everyone involved in para-swimming, from athletes to coaches and officials. I know this event will return in the future.

“We’ll continue to work on our virtual racing opportunities to ensure that all para-swimmers have something to aim for during the winter months.”

The Chief Executive of Activity Alliance is Barry Horne, who notes the significance of the event: “We know the important role this competition plays in the national swimming calendar.

“Our priority has always been to plan a competition that is delivered safely for participants, volunteers and officials.

“This has proved very difficult in these unpredictable circumstances.

“As you can imagine, we are extremely disappointed by the decision we have had to make.

“We look forward to continuing to work in partnership with British Para-swimming to ensure we can reschedule this important event.”
