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British team land relay bronze on final day of World Juniors

An all-English quartet closed the 2016 World Junior Open Water Championships with relay bronze for Great Britain.

It’s been a record-breaking week for the British team in Hoorn.

Hector Pardoe won GB’s first ever medal at the event with 5km bronze on the opening day. Alice Dearing then followed up with 10km gold to become GB’s first World Junior Open Water champion.

And Pardoe was back on the podium on the final day as Great Britain claimed their first relay medal at this level.

British quartet in 14-16 Yrs event

Competing in the 14-16 Yrs event, the 15-year old teamed up with Ellesmere College Titans teammate Phoebe Griffiths, as well as Hatfield’s Nathan Hughes and City of Leeds’ Leah Crisp.

Each swimmer completed a 1.25km leg with Crisp ultimately anchoring the Brits home on 58:12.6.

It was a close finish with Italy winning gold in 58:06.4 and Hungary silver in 58:09.1.

But the English quartet were safely clear of fourth-placed Russia, who finished more than a minute back on 59:33.6.

The U19 Yrs relay was also swum with four legs of 1.25km with Great Britain’s quartet finishing 10th.

The team of Gordon Mason, Rosie Foden, Tom Millburn and Dearing came home in 58:35.3.
