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Applications open for Coach 2024 Programme 2018-19

The search is on to find a new wave of coaches to help inspire the next generation of international swimmers.

Swim England’s Coach 2024 programme aims to support and mentor coaches who are working at the upper levels of the England Talent Pathway.

The inaugural Coach 2024 programme saw 15 coaches graduate in January 2018 and they can now pass on their knowledge to help raise the quality of coaching in England – and to ensure swimmers are supported to reach their full potential.

Jo Jones, Swim England’s coach development manager, said: “Coach 2024 is about identifying and investing in a cohort of coaches who are coaching our next generation of international swimmers.

“The vision is centred around taking a group of coaches on a journey to understand themselves better. And, also, how their coaching behaviours and practices impact on others around them.”

Coach 2024 feedback

Barry Alldrick, head coach at Poole SC, was one of the 15 coaches who graduated in January 2018 and he explained how the support has aided his journey.

He said: “One of the biggest things I learnt was that as a coach, because we care about the athletes and them progressing as people, we try to fix everything all at once. I’ve learnt to give athletes the space they need to develop and give them the time to talk and me to listen a bit more.

“It’s been a really good learning curve and I’m looking forward to taking back some of the coaching behaviours. But also, after having the opportunity to work with some of the best athletes in the country, it’s taking those behaviours back to club level and then breaking it down through the club to make sure that we are putting the swimmers through the best journey they can to get to that level.”

“My next steps are revising what we do at club level and trying to match the behaviours of what we expect of top athletes and coaches.

“I felt a good sense of being part of a coaching community. Coaches are going through different journeys but they will experience some of the same things you are. If you need help with an athlete, or coaching system, knowing that you have that community around you to back you up and discuss with is really helpful.”

To have the opportunity to become part of this bespoke “community” and share and integrate examples of best coaching practice, apply now before the closing date of 6 August.

For further information, email Jo at [email protected]

