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Adam Strickland speaks on 'making a difference in the world' through sport

Adam Strickland had embodied a positive spirit both within and outside of his swimming throughout the past 18 months.

At just 17-years-old, The Derwentside Swimming Club athlete dedicates his time and effort to helping others or by giving back to his sport in a myriad of ways.

When the first lockdown hit England in March 2020, Adam was quick to come up with a fundraising idea to raise money for the NHS.

He established a virtual relay and challenged swimmers across the country to recreate a swimming stroke on dry land. In doing so, he raised  £1,000 for NHS charities.

More recently, Adam, with the help of his club Derwentside, collected essential supplies which were then donated to refugees arriving in the UK from Afghanistan.

In addition to this, his collection allowed him to also donate children’s toys and toiletries to his local women’s refuge centre.

Adams collection turned out to be so popular that he has also donated children’s toys and toiletries to the local women’s refuge for families escaping domestic violence.

He told Swim England that missing time in school made him realise his fortune and encouraged him to arrange this donation, saying “the only difference between us and them is geography.”

His next project is to try and help swimming families in his county who may struggle financially to send their children to competitions away.

Although he hasn’t worked out the details, his strong will and determination will undoubtedly see him finding a solution.

‘Making a difference’

Adam’s parents have both served in the Royal Navy and as a result, have witnessed many conflicts around the world. They have raised their son to be understanding of others and how their lives might differ from his.

His empathetic nature means that Adam counts himself lucky to be able to live the life he does and do the sport he loves.

Speaking on what motivates him to help others, he said: “Helping others who are struggling or just giving back to my sport makes me feel, in some small way, like I am making a difference,” he said.

Since joining Derwentside in 2018, the club has been nothing but supportive of Adam and his volunteering work and have encouraged him in both his sporting and non-sporting endeavours.

Adam has previously said that swimming has brought him ‘so much joy’ and ‘given him the confidence to help others less fortunate and stand up for those who need help’.

The life lessons he has learned through sport have moulded him into the compassionate individual he is today and he is a fantastic advocate for swimming as a result.
