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Adam Peaty encourages younger generation in BBC 'Lockdown Life' series

World champion swimmer Adam Peaty had a supportive and motivating message for younger athletes in the midst of the third national lockdown.

Peaty featured on BBC Breakfast’s new series ‘Lockdown Life’ which sees some famous and familiar faces explain how they’re coping during lockdown and offering some top tips.

The breaststroke word record holder encouraged everyone to ‘find something you enjoy’ when it comes to exercise and insisted the younger generation are not ‘falling behind’, as he went on to explain that he didn’t take swimming seriously until the age of 15.

He said: “I feel like a lot of kids feel like they’re falling behind and that’s the kind of culture we’ve got in sport now, where they look at the top of the top and say ‘I want to be there’.

“That’s a great thing, but I think kids have got to remember they’re still kids, they can still have fun, it’s not going to make much of a difference.

“It’s great that kids work hard, but you’re not falling behind at all. I think a lot of kids have just got to relax. You are kids, enjoy it, enjoy the journey.

“If you are watching this right now and you’re 12, 13, 14 – I didn’t even start taking swimming seriously till I was 15 and six years later I was Olympic gold medallist.

“It’s not going to be like that for everyone but I chose the early teen years to have a little bit more fun and I was training two hours a week.

“So you’re not falling behind, enjoy what you do, enjoy this family time hopefully and just walk more than yesterday I guess.”

Find something you enjoy

As an elite athlete, the reigning Olympic champion has been able to continue training throughout lockdown.

However, Peaty revealed he had taken up yoga during the first lockdown and that also helps him to cope.

He added: “There’s so much content out there. If it’s on TikTok or if it’s on Instagram, or if it’s simply going for a walk.

“Find something that you enjoy. There’s nothing worse than doing something you hate. I hate running, I hate it!

“That’s why I don’t do it, so I try something else or try and find something on YouTube to do.

“But there’s so much content out there and it’s really about making it enjoyable, make it fun, make it short and snappy and as long as you’re doing something it’s better than nothing.”

The full interview can be viewed via BBC iPlayer.
