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Spencer win Cupar Trophy

Morris Dick, former member of Cupar & District SC, Cupar, Fife, Scotland, and now a member of Spencer Swim Team talks about his delight when Spencer win the Cupar Trophy for a third time at the British Masters Championships June 12 – 14 2015.

The Cupar Trophy

The Cupar Trophy was presented in the 1980’s by Mr & Mrs Muir, of Cupar & District S.C for the best team at the GB Masters.

The City of Dundee were the lucky city to first hold the GB Masters. I lived in Cupar and was the only Masters swimmer actively participating in Masters Competitions regularly for Cupar & District S.C.

I took part in the first GB Masters in Dundee and witnessed Motherwell become the first team to win the Cupar Trophy.

The Motherwell team were the team to beat in British Masters during that period, just as Spencer is now. The cup then went missing for many years and was eventually discovered in a shed in Scotland.

It was again donated to British Swimming for the GB Masters.

As a member of Spencer Swim Team in 2006, I was amazed to find myself in a car with Irving Dixon returning from the GB Masters Championships with the silver Cupar Trophy rattling around in the back, journeying south to London, as Spencer was the first team to win it after its long absence.

So when Spencer won the trophy again in Manchester, 2015, I was on the podium with my team mates, proudly holding the Cupar Trophy aloft. A truly lovely moment that Mr & Mrs Muir would have loved.

Long live Spencer’s reign as GB champions!

The final top ten team results were:

2East Leeds230
4Hibernian Ma183
5Romford Town148
6Gloucester M145
7Trafford Met127
8Birmingham M114
9Silver City107
10Guildford Ct93