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Organising Masters galas and events for 2019

Masters News

It’s starting to get busy on the Masters calendar for 2019 so if you haven’t got your event or gala on there yet, then please do so as soon as possible.

If you want to maximise your entries, it might be useful to bear in mind the following before you decide on a date and venue:

  • Check the calendar for any other meets that are taking place on the same weekend as yours
  • Check the calendar for any meets that are geographically close to you.

If it’s the first time you’ve organised a meet…

It’s useful to try to get together with someone close by who has organised events before.

Remember you will need to book officials and volunteers early.

Geoff Stokes has produced an excellent guide to organising meets which will help guide you through the process. Even if you have experience of organisation, you may well find hints and tips that will help you improve your meet.

If you would like any further information, please email Masters Officer Sharon Lock.
