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Masters swimmer Kirsten Cameron featured in February's Swimming Times

February’s Swimming Times features Masters swimmer Kirsten Cameron who didn’t take up distance swimming until she was 30.

But now, having already set 17 masters world records, she reveals her ultimate dream in this month’s issue.

In our sport, distance swimming is apparently a young person’s domain. Janet Evans won triple Olympic gold aged 16 and retired at 24.

Britain’s Sarah Hardcastle won two Olympic medals as a 15-year-old and retired two years later.

David Davies won his Olympic 1500m medal at 19 and retired superstar Rebecca Adlington is still only 25 now.

But what happens if you don’t actually take up distance swimming until you’re 30?

Leeds-based Kiwi, Kirsten Cameron, is trying to find out and is achieving some incredible performances. After all, age is just a number!
