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Masters Photo Shoot - below the surface of Masters

Calling all Masters who are able to get themselves to Ponds Forge Swimming Pool on 4 January 2015.

We need you to have your photo taken underwater with your work clothes on in a special Masters photo shoot…really, we do!

In conjunction with GB Swimstars photographer Simon Wright we would like to launch our Masters Photo feature Below the surface of Masters.

We want to find out about you, the Masters Swimmer and what your life is like. We are looking for Masters Swimmers from all types of backgrounds and levels of experience to take part in this feature.

We will be taking photographs of Masters Swimmers concentrating on what they do out of the pool and what makes them swim. We will then write a short article about you and publish it on the Masters Hub.

This will hopefully encourage other people to take the plunge into Masters Swimming and maybe take a tentative step towards competing. You don’t have to be the best; we want all types of Masters Swimmers from all types of backgrounds.

Demonstrate who you are and what you do

Our aim is to take photos of Masters Swimmers with some ‘props’ that demonstrate who you are and what you do outside of the swimming pool, maybe wearing clothes that show your working life. Some people will have their photo taken under the water and some might be on the poolside.

This is completely voluntary and we are very grateful to anyone who can volunteer but you will have to make your own travel arrangements. However you will get to see your name and image promoting the future of Masters Swimming.

If you are interested please email Sharon Lock at [email protected] who will be in touch to discuss further details.
