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Jeroen Peters ‘honoured’ to be named chairperson of Masters Working Group

The new chairperson of the Swim England Masters Working Group says it’s an honour to have been chosen as the successor to Verity Dobbie.

Jeroen Peters has been appointed to the post and has vowed to increase the numbers of masters swimmers through ideas to help develop the sport.

He has been a masters swimmer for more than 30 years, competing at local masters meets, regional and national events plus the LEN European Championships.

His experience includes being chairperson of two swimming clubs – Romiley Marina SC and Glossop ASC – and has been a referee for more than 10 years, officiating at open, national and international masters meets.

Jeroen has also been a regional representative and was a member of the Masters Technical Committee.

He said: “I feel it is an honour to have been selected as the chairperson of the Masters Working Group, following in the footsteps of Verity Dobbie who has done so much over her very long and distinguished ‘career’.

“There are a number of issues that urgently need attention, such as a new Masters Working Group and its Terms of Reference.

“But, there are other, no less important topics such as equality, growing masters and ensuring the best experience of our various competitions.

“However, possibly most importantly is openness and transparency. I fully intend on making this central in everything that working group does and so represent the entire Masters community.”

Sharon Lock, Swim England National Masters and Open Water Officer, welcomed Jeroen to the role.

She said: “We’re looking forward to working closely with Jeroen.

“He has an in-depth knowledge of masters swimming and a vision for the future to help develop the sport.

“With Jeroen’s appointment and some major masters competitions coming up this year, it’s certainly an exciting time for masters swimming.”
