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Jane Asher's 12 Tips For Success at London 2016

Multiple world record holder Jane Asher has moved up to the 85-89 age group this year and is looking forward to holding British records across five different age groups simultaneously!

An inspiration to Masters swimmers all over the world, Jane will undoubtedly be one to watch at this summer’s London 2016 European Masters Championships in May.

Jane has shared her 12 Tips for success at London 2016, exclusively for you lucky readers of the ASA Masters Swimming Hub!

12 Tips For Success at London 2016

  1. Pick your event(s).
  2. Estimate your goal. Try to accept last year’s times may be hard to beat!
  3. Write your goal down and keep it in a place where you can see it each day. Share it with your coach.
  4. Plan other activities to avoid injury! But remember to include cross training.
  5. Bearing in mind that other meets precede the Europeans, calculate which will benefit your fitness level most, and avoid taking on challenges that pose a risk.
  6. Start looking at classes for improvement in stamina, strength and flexibility if you don’t already include these in your weekly schedule.
  7. If you feel you need to improve your diet or lifestyle in any way, start as soon as you can.
  8. Pay lots of attention to technique early in the year. Improvement in speed and stamina will follow when all your strokes are as efficient as you can make them. You will then avoid injuries, and feel the benefit of easier swimming with greater streamlined body position, proper attention to detail in catch, pull and recovery in all your strokes.
  9. When planning your schedules, include strokes other than your favoured one. Ensure your sessions have variety in form, distance, and speed is essential for development and enjoyment.
  10. For the older swimmers, you may find the slowing down comes earlier than you expect so you just have to take it in your stride!
  11. Older swimmers – you need longer to warm up, and you need post-race stretching/swim down. Do not be surprised to find you need more rest!
  12. Build in a taper period just before the Championships, so drop the intensity of training, keep supple and swim to maintain fitness.

