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Happy New Year to all Masters

A message from the British Masters Chairperson Verity Dobbie to welcome in 2015

“It’s that time of year isn’t it when we review the last year and make our predictions and resolutions for the future, and WOW what a year we’ve had; on the swimming front we have witnessed a hugely successful British and ASA Masters championship and a fantastic World Championships in Montreal.

More importantly though, I think looking back we’ll mark 2014 as a watershed year in the development of the Masters discipline. It was the year when we were finally able to appoint a professional member of staff to deal exclusively with Masters.

Our Masters Swimming Officer Sharon Lock has only been with us since June this year but we’ve already had our first Masters conference and a revamped website and I know Sharon is relishing the task of organising volunteers into project groups working within our sport.

Under her guidance communication is improving and Masters swimming is beginning to force itself into the consciousness of the staff at ASA HQ.

I’m really looking forward to 2015 because I know it ‘s going to be an exciting one, with the continued development in the organisation of our discipline, not to mention the build up to the 2016 European championships in London starting in earnest.

I can’t wait so as you raise your glass to bring in the New Year a particularly apposite Masters toast is to “fitness friendship and fun” see you in 2015.”
