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Swimmers urged to have say on format for 2021 British Masters Championships

Masters swimmers are being asked to put forward their views on what format the British Masters Championship should take in 2021.

With coronavirus restrictions still covering large parts of the country, the Home Countries Masters Swimming Management Group has taken the ‘difficult decision’ that a ‘normal’ British Masters Championship will not be possible next year.

The event was due to hosted by Scottish Swimming and would probably have been held in April as part of the preparations for the European Masters Championships, which are due to take place in May.

Now, the Home Countries Masters Swimming Management Group has put forward a number of alternative options and is keen to hear the views of those who normally take part in the championships.

The proposals include delaying the long course competition until later in the year, starting smaller regional events or even holding virtual galas.

Nicola Latty, chairperson of the Home Countries Masters Swimming Management Group, said it was disappointing firm plans could not be put in place at this stage but it was the right call to make.

She added: “As a consequence of the Covid-19 restrictions and given the current uncertainty and the ever-changing situation, we have had to make the difficult decision that a ‘normal’ GB Masters Long Course Championships will not be possible.

Interested in ideas

“This is obviously disappointing, especially as the 2020 event was cancelled, but we’re keen to stage a competition in some format in 2021 and we are therefore reviewing various options.

“This is where we would like your help and views by completing a questionnaire.

“The survey will ascertain what our swimmers want and the feedback will be instrumental in the planning of that event.”

Swimmers are asked to complete the questionnaire by the closing date of Wednesday 11 November and the Home Countries Masters Swimming Management Group will evaluate the responses before deciding the next course of action.

Nicola added: “We’d encourage everyone who was considering competing at next year’s event to complete the survey.

“We’ve made suggestions of what format the competition could take but we’re also interested in any ideas our masters community may have.”

Swimmers can complete the GB Masters Return to Racing Survey by clicking here.
