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Torrance progresses through prelims

Katherine Torrance has secured herself a place in the final of the Women’s 1m at the Glasgow 2018 European Championships.

Her opening dive was her lowest scoring, the Back 1 1/2 Somersaults Piked, scored just 28.75 points.

As the 19-year-old progressed through the remaining four rounds, she climbed back up the rankings and qualified for the final in 12th position finishing on 217.35.

The Leeds-based diver saved her best till last, she scored 50.70 with her Forward 2 1/2 Somersaults in pike.

Demonstrate what I’m capable of

After she secured her position in the final, Torrance said, “My diving wasn’t quite where I wanted it to be this morning but the main thing is that I’m through to the final and get to dive again and demonstrate what I’m capable of.

“I’m going to get lunch, have a short rest, maybe a bit more training and then return for the final with a new mentality and just see what I can do.”

Teammate Scarlett Mew Jensen, who trains at Dive London, finished 15th overall and narrowly missed out on the final with a score of 209.75.

The event was Mew Jensen’s first outing at a senior Europeans and provided an invaluable learning experience.
