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Popular 'Lockdown Live' sessions to be extended due to high demand

Swim England is extending its popular Lockdown Live diving sessions until 1 April due to high demand for the sessions.

These webinars deliver the same content as the award-winning Live @ 5 sessions, which were originally established for members of the Swim England Diving Talent Pathway in the first lockdown last year.

Swim England Diving then expanded these webinars to be available to the wider diving community and so Lockdown Live emerged, which takes place at 6 pm.

Lockdown Live has run throughout the duration of the lockdown periods in England and were due to be held for five weeks from January 18 onwards before being extended.

Leanne Jalland, chair of Harrogate Diving Club, has a daughter who has been partaking in the webinars. She said: “It’s difficult for all divers at the moment but for Evie having a routine provides her with a sense of security. Disruption to pool training with differing restrictions and with so much time away from the pool this last year meant that Evie really struggled.

“However, the Live at 6 sessions provided a new routine and sense of structure for her. Swim England Diving have done a fantastic job of putting together a great combination of workouts and coaches to engage and motivate divers from all clubs bringing the diving community together.

“As chair, it’s been great to see our divers take up the opportunity of the live at 6 sessions, but on a personal note as a mum it’s been a relief to see my own daughter doing something she loves that benefits both her physical and mental wellbeing”.

Her daughter Evie added that: “The sessions are amazing they make me feel really good about myself during and afterwards.”

‘Fantastic opportunity’

The sessions will once again be hosted by Olympic medallist Leon Taylor, Swim England’s Josh Devine as well as England Talent and British Diving coaches. They will be centred around yoga, ballet, and overall conditioning.

Suzie Collins, Swim England diving talent officer said of the webinars: “These sessions have been a fantastic opportunity to both bring the divers together and help ensure they are ready to get back on the boards.

“It has been great to see so many divers coming back for multiple sessions as well as new faces joining in.

“It has become a real community of divers throughout the lockdown and I’m looking forward to seeing them all get back to training in the pool as lockdown eases”.

Lockdown Live sessions will take place daily, Monday to Thursday, at 6 pm until April 1st, and are available to book via the Swim England shop here. 

