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Olympian Leon Taylor and young diver Milo French join the True Athlete Project

Junior GB diver Milo French has joined a mentoring programme to help aspiring athletes – with Olympian Leon Taylor also joining as a mentor.

The True Athlete Project (TAP) aims to bring about a more compassionate culture of sport through a range of innovative, mindfulness-based programmes.

The programme matches Olympic, Paralympic or elite athletes with young, committed athletes for a year-long, transformational learning experience.

After a recent string of injuries leaving him frustrated and unable to train, junior diver Milo is now enjoying being part of the TAP and working towards a ‘positive mindset’.

The 16-year-old has been paired with Olympian Chris Cook who he says has ‘massively helped’ him already on his journey.

Milo said: “So far the programme has been really helpful.

“I have found new ways to keep motivated when I’m struggling or feeling like everything is going wrong, as well as improving on my ability to stay focused and relaxed.

Positive mindset and outlook

“Being partnered up with Chris has been great and has massively helped me to stay positive and to keep my motivation levels high, even when things are not going my way and I’m struggling to get things done.

“He has given me some really good tips on ways to help keep my thoughts positive and ways to help stop any negative thoughts ruining my performance and outlook on sport and everyday life.”

While on the programme, Milo is hoping to gain more understanding around mindfulness and relaxation.

When asked what a highlight has been so far, he said: “A highlight for me has been being able to improve on clearing my mind and giving myself space to think and relax.

“I have really struggled with this in the past so, for me, the mindfulness sessions have been really useful.

“I want to always be able to feel calm in different situations, and to always know how to prevent myself from feeling negative thoughts and from losing motivation.

“I hope I will be able to come out of the programme with a new positive mindset and outlook on everything I do.”

Proud to be part of the project

Olympic diver, coach and mental health advocate Leon has also recently joined the programme as a mentor.

He has been paired with Kollin Claridy, a young basketball player from the US who is eager to develop his leadership and communication skills.

On joining the programme, Leon said: “I am really proud to be part of the True Athlete Project and to be working with young, aspiring athletes.

“I’ve been mentoring athletes from different sports for many years. I’m delighted to support TAP and I feel honoured to be able to share my knowledge and experiences with these rising stars of the future and help them on their journey.

“I think it is a great initiative and will hugely benefit both the mentees and mentors involved.”

To find out more about the True Athlete Project, click here.
