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Diving brothers Jack and Ross Haslam talk live workouts during lockdown

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Diving brothers Jack and Ross Haslam haven’t let the coronavirus lockdown stop them as they continue to maintain their fitness, while also coaching their athletes.

Jack retired from diving in 2019 while younger brother Ross is still competing, but both are coaches at Sheffield Diving.

Not long after lockdown was announced, the brothers decided to begin streaming their workouts live on social media so that divers at their club could get involved too.

This Saturday they will be streaming live from the Swim England Instagram account at 4pm as they host a 10 minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) session.

Jack said: “When lockdown first started we were on it quite quick and the first few days we had massive interest.

“I think obviously a lot of other people have started doing similar things, so it’s dropped off a little bit but there’s still some good interest and we’re getting some good views.

“The feedback we’ve had so far has been all positive, especially because we’re only doing 10 minute workouts so it’s quite easy for people to fit in.

“I think this weekend on the Swim England Instagram we’re aiming to do a bit of a HIIT class, so we’ll probably do a full body session.

“It won’t be much longer than 10 minutes but we’ll try to keep the intensity nice and high so people feel like they’ve done a full workout – but they’ve only been going for 10 minutes, which is what we’re aiming for.

“We’re looking forward to it, especially for me now finishing diving last year, it’s always good to stay involved with the community and I’ve got loads of people that I’m really close to in diving and swimming etc.

“So I’m looking forward to getting on the page and showing everyone a little workout and hopefully everyone will join in.”

As Ross is still competing he is one of the more experienced divers at the Sheffield club.

He said: “I’ve spoken to some parents who have said their kids are really enjoying the lives.

“We’ve also had some comments from people who aren’t divers, just people who have stumbled across the videos and thought ‘yeah I can do a 10 minute workout’.

“We’ve covered all parts of the body. Some have been HIIT workouts others have been pure burners and we’ve done some plyometric work, so we’ve tried to do a bit of everything.

“Diving is a very specific sport but we do a lot of different training to get our bodies to do what they need to do on the boards, so we’ve tried our best to cover as many of those aspects as possible in the 10 minute sessions.

Ahead of this weekend, Ross added: “We’re planning something for general fitness because we all need to maintain fitness no matter what sport you’re in.

“But we’re going to make some exercises within the session more diving specific so that people who don’t normally come into contact with diving can have an insight into what we do.

“Doing the sessions is quite nice because although it’s at 6pm during the week and 4pm at weekends, it still gives some structure to your day.”

Some of the exercises the pair have planned are front support with hurdle knees, tuck to dish and pike ups, all of which are basic diving movements that are completed in the pool every day.

Make sure you don’t miss their workout at 4pm on Saturday 2 May via the Swim England Instagram page.
