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Jack Haslam captures national 3m Springboard title in Plymouth

Jack Haslam pounced late to claim his second individual national title with 3m Springboard gold at the 2017 British National Cup in Plymouth.

The City of Sheffield diver added to his 1m victory at the 2015 British Championships with a dramatic gold at Plymouth Life Centre.

He was lying third with one round of dives to go, trailing Edinburgh Diving’s James Heatly and Haslam’s younger brother Ross.

But 21-year old Haslam was the best of the trio in the final round, setting a score of 420.55 to beat with his final dive worth 73.10.

Both Heatly and Ross Haslam dropped their final efforts for 57.80 points, ultimately finishing second and third on 419.35 and 414.05 respectively.

“I’m really happy,” said Haslam, who finished seventh in the 3m event 12 months ago.

“It’s a PB performance for me with a score of 420 so I’m really pleased with that.

“Obviously it’s nice to have my younger brother on the podium with me as well so I’m absolutely ecstatic.

“I had three weeks off over Christmas with a bad neck but the last three weeks have been really good training. So I wanted to show what I can do here and thankfully I have done.”

Men’s 3m Springboard Results

1Jack Haslam
(City of Sheffield)
2James Heatly
(Edinburgh Diving)
3Ross Haslam
(City of Sheffield)
(4)Yona Knight-Wisdom
(Jamaica / City of Leeds)
4Freddie Woodward
(City of Sheffield)
5James Denny
(City of Leeds)
6William Hallam
(City of Leeds)
7Kyle Kothari
(Dive London)
8Cameron Gammage
(Southampton Diving)
  • Click here to head to Dive Recorder for full results.

Shanice Lobb lands 10m silver

Shanice Lobb was the top English diver in the women’s Platform final, winning silver on 304.80.

Scotland’s Gemma McArthur ultimately landed the spoils on 310.80 but Dive London’s Lobb was best of the rest on 304.80.

Southampton’s Emily Martin finished third on 303.70 while City of Leeds’ Lois Toulson received the bronze medal, scoring 281.40 to place the third highest finisher with all five dives from the 10m Platform.

Women’s Platform Results

1Gemma McArthur
(Edinburgh Diving)
2Shanice Lobb
(Plymouth Diving)
3Emily Martin
(Southampton Diving)
4Holly Waxman
(City of Bradford)
5Lois Toulson
(City of Leeds)
6Ruby Bower
(City of Leeds)
7Tia McGarry
(City of Sheffield)
8Lucy Hawkins
(Southampton Diving)
  • Click here to head to Dive Recorder for full results.

Image credit: Nick Hope TV Twitter
