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Basics of Front Crawl and Backstroke – Online

This online learning looks at the basics of front crawl and backstroke and is perfect for those who are new to swimming teaching or coaching.

It covers the basics of front crawl and backstroke using BLABT; BLABT is a framework for introducing and developing each of the four competitive strokes. The components of BLABT are:

  • Body position
  • Leg action
  • Arm action
  • Breathing
  • Timing/coordination

Within the module, you will be taken through the aspect of both strokes with video examples of both a child and adult swimmer. There are checks on learning throughout and a quiz at the end. Once you have finished the quiz, there is a completion slide which will include your name and finish date. You can print this as a certificate for your records.

Who is the course designed for?
It is aimed at anybody who wants to learn more about the strokes. It is perfect for those who want to start a career in swimming or parents who want to understand more about the strokes so they are able to support their child’s swimming.

How to Enrol:
Click book on course or use the contact details below.

You must be at least 16 years of age at the start of the course.



Institute of Swimming

01509 640640
[email protected]