Swim England Artistic Swimming

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Team GB synchro move up the rankings after Tech Routine

There was not a grey cloud in sight over the Maria Lenk Aquatics Centre today when the Team GB synchronised swimming duet performed their Technical Routine to the classic movie theme tune ‘Singin’ in the Rain’.

Katie Clark and Olivia Federici – who finished 18th in the duet Free Routine – scored a total of 80.750 for their Technical Routine and moved up into 17th place overall with a final score of 160.7317.

The pair once again showed consistent levels of energy throughout their routine but ultimately missed out on a place in the final.

We wanted to go out and get a good score

Federici said: “We really wanted to go out there and get a good score today.

“We were a bit disappointed with yesterday because it was a great swim and we know we were capable of a better score. We really wanted to go out there today and really smash it.

“There are a lot of elements that have to be absolutely perfect in this event so we have been working really hard on them to get them right. Our coaches are happy and it felt like a really good swim which is pleasing. We gave it our all so today was very good.

“Nine months ago, we didn’t know if we would be qualifying for the Olympics so to be here is pretty amazing.”

Clark added: “It is just such a nice atmosphere to be in a venue that is outside and to be in Rio. We feel really privileged to be here and we are very happy.

“London was always going to be special because it was a home Games but Rio has done a really great job in hosting the Olympics.

“It is a really chilled out here and that is the atmosphere you want when you are trying to compete and put in your best performances on the big stage.

“The World Championships next year are a big goal for us and we want to keep taking GB up the rankings so hopefully it is onwards and upwards from here.”
