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This Girl Can try synchronised swimming - Fitbits blog

Fitbits exercise blogger Tess Agnew teamed up with Brighton Dolphins Masters this month to try synchronised swimming for the first time.

  • Click here to follow Tess’s journey on her Fitbits blog or click play in the video above.

Tess is Active Sussex’s ‘This Girl Can’ ambassador. While she is usually more at home with running and triathlons, she has recently been exploring new sporting activities on her Fitbits blog to help her training.

“At first I was really scared and had a proper panic in the water,” said Tess. “But everyone was really friendly, supportive and really nice, and really patient as well.

“I did not think it was going to be that hard!”

Try Synchronised Swimming – About The Sport

Synchronised swimming is an incredibly technical sport.

On the surface, it may look like a dance routine in the pool, but it requires a huge amount of skill, stamina and swimming ability, as well as a heavy dose of grit and determination.

Anyone that is able to spend half their time upside-down in a pool, and the other half supporting themselves using nothing but a vigorous egg-beater kick, has some real dedication and commitment!

While synchronised swimming is a lot of hard work, it is also one of the most enjoyable of the aquatic disciplines.

Very few routines are done solo, so the athletes develop a real bond with each other and a unfaltering sense of camaraderie, as so much is reliant on being able to get your timing and synchronisation right.

If you are interested in finding out more about the sport, or would like to find a club and try synchronised swimming yourself, check it out here.

About This Girl Can

This Girl Can is a national campaign funded by Sport England & the National Lottery which aims to inspire women and girls to get active regardless of their shape, size or ability.

You can find out more on the Sport England website.
