Swim England Artistic Swimming

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Entries closed to popular Combo Cup after clubs snap up all available places

Artistic swimming clubs across the country have filled all the places for the ever-popular Swim England Combo Cup.

Hundreds of swimmers from 39 clubs will take part in the event at the London Aquatics Centre on Saturday 4 July.

The 2019 edition had record numbers of entries, which resulted in a very long day that was exhausting for competitors, coaches, volunteers and spectators.

Feedback from the 2019 competition led to Swim England reviewing the entry criteria so that it remained accessible for all ages and abilities.

The number of swimmers per routine was increased from six to eight as well as capping the number of combos a club could enter to five.

A three-stage registration process was introduced for this year’s Combo Cup to ensure it wasn’t over-subscribed – with entries closing when the competition had reached full capacity.

The Combo Cup reached its maximum number of entries allowed during phase one of the registration process, meaning there will be no phase two entries, which was due to open on Wednesday 4 March, for Swim Wales or Scottish Swimming clubs.

Maria Ramos, chairperson of the Artistic Swimming Leadership Team, said: “The Combo Cup has, once again, proved to be hugely popular.

“The key feedback we received from the 2019 event was that the day was too long and we’re keen to ensure that it won’t be the case again this year.

“We apologise to our artistic swimming friends from Scotland and Wales who won’t be able to join us this year but the growth of the sport in England has led to some difficult decisions.

“We look forward to welcoming all the clubs that have entered the Combo Cup to the London Aquatics Centre in July for what will be another fantastic competition.”

Clubs who have successfully entered the 2020 Combo Cup will be able to submit names of their competitors between 12 noon on Wednesday 13 May and 12 noon on Wednesday 3 June.

The deadline for music submissions and biographies is 12 noon on Friday 19 June.
