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ASA announces new synchro leadership structure

The ASA has appointed eight people to the Synchronised Swimming Leadership Team (SSLT) to help drive forward and lead synchronised swimming in England.

Headed up by Maria Ramos, the newly formed SSLT is responsible for developing a strategy.

This will ensure everyone involved in English synchronised swimming shares a common purpose and helps develop and review plans to grow the sport at every level.

The Leadership Team’s vision is to provide people with a lifelong passion for synchronised swimming both in and out of the pool. From having fun and getting fit to winning medals, with a performance structure that delivers podium success in 2024 and beyond.

Working alongside ASA staff, the team’s main areas of focus include athlete reward and recognition, developing the workforce (coaching and officiating) and the competition framework.

Leading England synchronised swimming is Maria Ramos, who combines a very successful career working in Brand and Marketing for some world’s largest brands, including London 2012 and Skype,  with extensive experience of swimming, judging, and coaching synchronised swimming at every level.

“After taking a break from the sport, I am delighted to back and it’s my privilege to be the Chair of the Synchronised Swimming Leadership Team.  Our sport is filled with incredibly passionate and talented people and I am inspired each day by their energy and commitment,” – Maria Ramos

Maria’s synchro life and professional life often overlap as she sees creativity, innovation and high performance as vital ingredients to developing both a successful brand as well as the sport.

Synchronised Swimming Leadership Team members:

  • Maria Ramos – Chair of the Leadership Team
  • Hannah Secher – Workforce Development Lead
  • Sarah Speers – Coaching and Competitions Lead
  • Ian Atkinson – Executive Meet Director
  • Sarah Clarke – Athlete Awards Lead
  • Karen Thorpe – Talent Development Officer
  • Sarah Darragh – National Synchronised Swimming Development Officer
  • Julie Thompson – ASA Synchronised Swimming Group Administrator
  • Click here to find out more about the members of the Synchronised Swimming Leadership Team.